ACV position
The Supporters Trust has outlined its plan for the Asset of Community Value (ACV) land behind the East Stand at Sixfields Stadium.
The plan will yield up to £250,000 per annum investment benefit for infrastructure projects from a commercial development – the site can be flexed to be used as a fanzone on match days.
A more detailed plan – produced in conjunction with our joint venture business partner, a respected and established Northampton company – will be presented to first members and then the wider fanbase later this month.
The Trust has until 3 September to make a bid for the land to the freeholder, West Northamptonshire Council. Representatives recently met with the council chief executive, leader and senior officers to outline the Trust’s position.
Membership database
The Trust is in the process of moving its membership database to new software enabling us to perform membership processes, renewals and communications in a smarter way.
The new database will enable us to manage our GDPR requirements more efficiently and ensure that all members who have provided us with an email address are happy to receive communications updates from us.
New membership rates are due to be introduced shortly with all due renewals postponed until January next year.
All members who have supplied us with an email address should have received this latest update in their inboxes earlier this week.
If you are a Trust member but did not receive this update via email, please write to us at and we will put you on the mailing list for monthly updates.
30th anniversary of the Trust
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Northampton Town Supporters Trust –working to protect the best interests of our club since 1992 as English football’s original Supporters Trust – we will shortly be introducing some great anniversary discount offers for Trust members.
They include:
* A reunion celebration for Cobblers players who played for the club in the 1970s – this will be held at St Crispin Social Club, Berrywood Road, Northampton on the evening of Friday 7 October.
* A celebration ale from Phipps brewery, Brew 92 - a 4.5 per cent strength light beer combining its Midsummer Meadow and new Double Crown ales.
* Prints of Ian Clarkson’s goal v Bristol Rovers in 1998, specially commissioned by stadium artist Paul Town and signed by the goalscorer and then Cobblers manager Ian Atkins.
* A free-to-enter Christmas raffle with some great prizes.
* A story book chronicling the club’s 125 years in words and pictures.
Cobblers Travel 2022/23
Cobblers Travel will be running coaches to selected away games during the 2022/23 season.
The coaches will offer special deals for Trust members
We will promote the games we are covering in our member bulletins, on the Supporters Trust website and via our social media platforms.
The first game wil be the trip to Swindon on Saturday 1 October.
For further information, please contact Roger on 07840 355864.