The Trust's long-standing Club 250 fundraiser, which took over from the original Helpline which was set up shortly after the Trust's formation in 1992, has been re-launched as Club 500.
We are aiming to attract 500 members into the scheme to ensure a consistent revenue stream into our 'rainy day' fighting fund. set aside should the club again experience financial or adminstrative difficulties in the near future.
For a £5 monthly stake, you have a chance to win £200 and £75 cash prizes each month.
The prizemoney will go up the more members we are able to attract, all the way up to a £1,000 cash prize if we can get to 500 members.
The chances of winning with Club 500 are many times better than getting something back from the National Lottery.
And all the money raised will be used by the Trust for the benefit of the football club and its supporters.
The scheme is open to Trust members and non-members alike - please join up and spread the word!
How do I join?
You will shortly be able to download an application form and standing order form from our website. In the meantime, please email Trust vice-chairman Roger Averill on
I am already a member of Club 250, do I need to re-join?
No, your Club 250 membership will automatically roll over into the new Club 500 scheme
Where will the income from Club 500 be spent?
It will initially go into the 'rainy day' fund, where monies raised three years ago was deposited. This money will be deployed should the club again fall in hard times in the future.
What can I stand to win?
A £5 stake buys you a number in the monthly draw and a random number generator - applied at our monthly board meeting - selects two numbers. Should either of these match your membership number you win. At present, the first drawn number receives £200, the second drawn £75.
How many members are there currently?
The scheme has more than 100 members and the number is steadily increasing. We would like to get to 500. Roughly speaking, monthly prizemoney is equivalent to double the membership.
If we get to 500 members, prizemoney will total £1,000 a month, adding £1,500 to Trust funds at the same time.